Department of Crop Sciences
College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Article 1. Membership
1.1 Faculty
The faculty in the Department consists of those persons specified as Faculty in Article II.3.a.(1) of the University Statutes, namely, those members of Crop Sciences academic staff who hold the rank or title in the department of professor, associate professor or assistant professor who are tenured or receiving probationary credit toward tenure. If the definition of “Faculty” changes in the University Statutes, the definition of “Faculty” shall change in these Bylaws accordingly.
1.2 Specialized Faculty
Specialized Faculty (instructor, senior instructor, lecturer, senior lecturer, teaching assistant professor, teaching associate professor, teaching professor, research assistant professor, research associate professor, research professor, clinical assistant professor, clinical associate professor and clinical professor) as defined by the Office of the Provost Communication #25 Employment Guidelines for Specialized Faculty holding Non-Tenure System Positions. However, if the definition of “Faculty” changes in the University Statutes to include individuals of these ranks, then this provision shall not apply, and those individuals shall have all the rights that are granted to “Faculty” in these Bylaws.
Visiting, Adjunct and Courtesy appointments with the rank of assistant professor, associate professor or professor. Defined in Article 4.
1.3 Other Academic
Members of the administrative, teaching, research and extension staff including emeritus, academic professionals, postdoctoral research associates, civil service, graduate students and undergraduate students.
Article 2. Voting
The voting faculty of the Department of Crop Sciences shall consist of those members of the Faculty defined in Article 1.1 of these Bylaws whose appointment totals at least twenty-five percent (25%) within the Department of Crop Sciences, except as noted in these Bylaws.
Article 3. General Organization
The Department shall be organized with a Head as the chief executive officer. The Head shall have those powers and duties given by the University Statutes and such other powers and duties as granted by these Bylaws.
The Head shall:
- Call meetings of the Faculty and the Department.
- Appoint departmental committees except for the Faculty Advisory Committee, the Departmental Advisory Committee and the elected members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee.
- Report at least annually to the Faculty on the state of the Department.
- Communicate recommendations of the Faculty to the Dean of the College.
- Maintain and discuss with Faculty departmental policies and procedures.
- Appoint an Associate Head, Assistant Head, and Coordinators as appropriate with the advice of the Departmental Advisory Committee.
- Initiate a review by the Department of missions, goals, and programs of the Department at least once every five years.
- Evaluate the performance of, and communicate the results of the evaluation to, each Faculty member, Specialized Faculty member and Academic Staff. The evaluation process will be established by the Head.
Article 4. Appointments
4.1 Tenure Track
A general set of priorities for filling Tenure Track Faculty positions shall be established by the Faculty during the departmental review of missions, goals, and programs. When a vacancy occurs, the Head shall consult with the Faculty Advisory Committee, Task Force on Academic Positions Committee and members of the Faculty (at a Faculty meeting) prior to the search for a new Faculty member. The Head shall appoint a search committee for the position. The Head shall conduct an open meeting at the conclusion of the interview process to discuss the candidates.
4.2 Specialized Faculty
A general set of priorities for filling Specialized Faculty positions shall be established by the Department Head by consulting with the Faculty Advisory Committee, Task Force on Academic Positions Committee and members of the Faculty. The Head shall appoint a search committee for the position.
4.3 Zero-Time Specialized Faculty Appointments
An individual shall be appointed as a zero-time visiting, adjunct or courtesy (formerly called a joint appointee) appointment, in the Department by the Head with the advice of the Faculty and appropriate administrative approval. Such appointments shall be based on active participation in teaching, research or outreach programs that contribute to the mission, goals, and programs of the Department. These academic appointments, which may have a professorial rank, may have voting rights as noted in these Bylaws in the Department, and no tenure commitments from the Department. These academic appointments may be invited to serve on policy and other committees.
Adjunct appointments in the Department are extended to scientists located on the Urbana-Champaign campus with a primary University affiliation in Crop Sciences. This may include scientists in the USDA/ARS and state scientific surveys housed on campus. These adjunct appointments may go through the University promotion process as defined in Provost Communication #26. These appointments are reviewed annually for renewal by the Department Head and Faculty.
Adjunct appointments in the Department are also extended to individuals whose primary position is not on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Such appointments are subject to renewal every year. Renewal shall be based on a favorable review by the Head and Faculty.
Courtesy appointments are for faculty members and specialized faculty members holding budgeted appointments in other academic units located on the Urbana-Champaign campus. Appointments are reviewed annually however the appointments are subject to renewal every three years. Renewal shall be based on a favorable review by the Head and the Faculty.
Visiting appointments are reserved for scholars visiting our department for short periods of time (e.g. Faculty from other Universities on sabbatical or training at UIUC). Appointments are reviewed and approved by the Head.
Article 5. Faculty Rights and Responsibilities
As the responsible body in the teaching, research and public service activities of the Department, the Faculty has inherent interests and rights in academic policy and governance. The Faculty shall (a) have all powers not given by the Statutes exclusively to the Head nor given by the Faculty to the Head (b) have all powers delegated to it by the Head, (c) elect the Faculty Advisory Committee, elected members of the Promotion and Tenure Committee, and Faculty members of the Grievance Committee and (d) review the missions, goals and programs of the Department at least once in each five-year period. Members of the Faculty share the responsibility to maintain high professional standards that foster academic excellence.
Article 6. Faculty Meetings
Meetings of the Faculty shall be called by the Head and attended by Faculty, Specialized Faculty, and, as decided by the Head, invited Other Academic at least once a semester and whenever else desirable. The Head or a designee shall preside over the meetings. If the Head is absent and no person has been designated, the Faculty may choose a chairperson. Faculty meetings may be held at the call of the Head, upon request to the Head by a simple majority of the Faculty Advisory Committee or the Departmental Advisory Committee. The Head shall convene a meeting within 15 days of receipt of the request. Those present at a properly called meeting shall constitute a quorum. Abbreviated minutes shall be distributed to the Faculty after each meeting.
When formal motions are being considered, only Faculty members may vote. A secret electronic ballot shall be taken, if requested by a faculty member. Each member shall have one vote on each question. There shall be no proxy voting. Upon request of any member, that member's vote on any question shall be recorded in the minutes.
Article 7. Committees
7.1 Faculty Advisory Committee
The Faculty Advisory Committee shall consist of seven Faculty members elected by and from Faculty as defined in 1.1 of these Bylaws. The Head shall serve as an ex-officio member. The chair of the Faculty Advisory Committee shall be elected by the Faculty Advisory Committee. The elected members shall include one assistant, one associate, and one full professor, each elected by members of the Faculty as defined in 1.1 of these Bylaws, of the corresponding rank to staggered two-year terms, and four at-large members elected from and by all ranks of Faculty to staggered two-year terms.
The Faculty Advisory Committee shall meet at least once a semester at the call of the Head or on request by four elected members. Four elected members shall constitute a quorum. A list of items discussed at each Faculty Advisory Committee meeting and actions taken shall be made available by the Head to the members of the Faculty. Any Faculty member shall be entitled to a conference with the Committee or with any member of it on any matter properly within the purview of the committee. If the Faculty Advisory Committee is in session to discuss the performance of the Head, only elected members shall be present.
7.2 Departmental Advisory Committee
The Departmental Advisory Committee provides advice to the Head on matters of concern to members of the Department. The choice of matters to be considered only by the Faculty Advisory Committee and to be considered by the Departmental Advisory Committee shall be made by the Head except where otherwise designated in these bylaws or the University Statutes.
The Departmental Advisory Committee shall consist of the Faculty Advisory Committee, one Specialized Faculty member (not zero-time); one Zero-time Specialized Faculty Adjunct USDA/ARS member; one academic professional (the Chair of the Academic Professional Advisory Committee); one graduate student (elected from and by the graduate students); one member of the staff (elected from and by the staff); and one undergraduate student (elected from and by undergraduate majors). The members of the Departmental Advisory Committee, other than the Faculty Advisory Committee, shall be elected to staggered two-year terms, except for the undergraduate student member who shall be elected to a one-year term.
The Departmental Advisory Committee shall meet at least once a semester at the call of the Head or on request to the Head by four elected members. Six members shall constitute a quorum.
Any member of the Department shall have the right to a conference with any member of the Departmental Advisory Committee on any matter properly within the purview of the Committee. A list of items discussed at a Committee meeting and of decisions taken shall be made available to the members of the Department.
7.3 Promotion and Tenure Committee
This committee shall make recommendations to the Head on promotions and tenure. The committee shall be composed of seven tenure-track full professors, five elected by and from the Faculty and two appointed by the Head. Elected and appointed members shall serve for staggered three-year terms. Votes on promotion and tenure by the committee shall be by secret ballot. The Head or his designee shall serve as chairperson of the committee.
In the cases of promotion of Specialized Faculty one member of Specialized Faculty of equal or higher rank of promotion being considered will be appointed by the Head to review and vote.
7.4 Grievance Committee
The Grievance Committee shall be a standing committee that will consist of three members of the Faculty and one Specialized Faculty who are appointed by the Head. The committee will consider grievances from Faculty, Specialized Faculty, academic professionals, graduate students or undergraduate students. Cases of sexual harassment or discrimination that are handled under defined campus policies shall not be considered by the Committee.
7.5 Other Committees
The Department may have other committees, appointed by the Head with the advice of the Departmental Advisory Committee, as needed. Guidelines for the operation and membership of these committees shall be established by the Head. Membership on all Departmental committees and guidelines for those committees shall be made available to the Faculty on a yearly basis.
Article 8. Elections
Elections for committee membership required in the Department shall be by secret ballot and shall be a two-stage process with a preliminary nomination ballot consisting of all eligible Department members and a final ballot consisting of two candidates for each open position. Regular elections will normally be held in the spring semester with the term of the newly elected members beginning August 16. Tie votes shall be decided by a coin toss by the Head.
Article 9. Authority
The Bylaws of the Department of Crop Sciences provide for the administrative organization and procedures of the Department. These Bylaws derive their authority from the University Statues, which state that each academic unit shall be governed in its internal administration by its faculty and that the governance of each unit shall be based on bylaws established, and amended by the Faculty of that unit. The Bylaws are an extension of the Statues and as such must accord with the Statues and with the Bylaws established by the College of ACES. In case of disagreement, the University Statutes and ACES Bylaws shall prevail.
All Department meetings shall follow the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised where they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws and any special rules of order the Department may adopt.
Article 10. Amendments
Changes in these Bylaws may be initiated by the Head, the Faculty Advisory Committee, or upon petition of at least ten members of the Faculty. Notice at least one-week in advance shall be given for a meeting of the Faculty to consider any proposed amendment. The notice shall include the exact wording of the proposed amendment. The proposed amendment may be amended from the floor at the meeting called to consider it. Approval of an amendment to the proposal at the meeting shall require a sixty percent majority of the eligible voters present at the meeting. Final ratification of a proposed amendment to the Bylaws shall be by secret ballot. An affirmative vote of at least sixty percent of the ballots returned within ten business days after distribution shall be required for ratification. Only members of the Faculty as defined in article 1.1 may vote.