Catch up on any monthly newsletters you may have missed in 2021!

January Newsletter
New CPSC Major, Our new Plant Biotechnology major, has been approved!

February Newsletter
Variable weather makes weeds harder to whack.

March Newsletter
Rising temperatures also alter photosynthesis in a changing climate.

April Newsletter
2021 Glen “GB” Brandt Prize Awarded to Crop Science's Alumni Will Glazik.

Summer Newsletter
U of I Agronomy Day happens statewide throughout the Summer of 2021.

August Newsletter
Welcome Back from Department Head Adam Davis

Sep.-Nov. Newsletter
The Crop Sciences community attended the 2021 ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, participating in poster and oral contests, giving talks and presentations, mixing and mingling with other attendees, and meeting with students at our booth.

December Newsletter
Wheat and barley growers know the devastating effects of Fusarium head blight or scab.