- Illinois Small Grains Breeding
- Long Lab
- The Prairie and Bioenergy (Lee Lab)
- Marty Williams Lab
- Agroecology (Davis Lab)
- Illinois Regenerative Agriculture Initiative
- Crop Physiology Lab
- Sustainable Student Farm
- Illinois Drainage and Outreach Program (I-DROP)
- The Prairie and Bioenergy (Lee Lab)
- Soils Lab (Margenot Lab)
- Microbial Physiology in Agricultural and Environmental Systems
Production Management and Ecology
Finding solutions to complex agricultural issues by examining crop production methods.
The crop production group evaluates agricultural practices and systems concerning crop yield, profit, environmental and ecological consequences with the goal of identifying best practices for local and international growers to produce more with less. Major crops under active investigation include corn, soybean, wheat, oat, alfalfa, and forage species, as well as apples, tomatoes, sweet corn, and ornamental plant species. Current projects include crop growth and development, crop management techniques, integrated pest management, crop competition, cover crops, rotations, tillage, plant nutrition, cultivar evaluation, and agroecology.