The purpose of the Northern Regional Soybean Cyst Nematode (SCN) Tests is to evaluate the best experimental SCN resistant soybean lines developed by public researchers in the U. S. and Canada and to provide soybean breeders with a source of genetically diverse germplasm for continued progress in the release of well adapted, SCN resistant breeding lines and varieties. Participants are encouraged to exchange germplasm within the legal guidelines pertaining to transgenic strains.

The Northern Regional SCN Tests are made possible by funding from the North Central Research Program. Their support and the cooperation of participating researchers are greatly appreciated.

Policy on Evaluation and Release of Strains

Contact Us

Let us know if you have questions or comments about the Regional SCN Tests or would like to receive a hard copy of annual report.

 Troy Cary
 Department of Crop Sciences
 1102 South Goodwin Ave.
 Urbana, IL 61801
 Farm phone: 217-333-2965
